
I can be the stuff of nightmares,

A silent fury no one notices.

Of enigmatic depths and secrets.

Hidden within my eyes,

Uncertain and indecisive.

Head in the clouds,

My mind a residency of superfluous thoughts,

Restless and bored.

An incomprehensible storm.



I love people but I admire my solitude,

Connecting with myself to charge my energy anew.

My mood depends on how I feel around you,

My high is deep conversations and finding out truths.

It’s hard to be sociable I get burnt out,

People find it difficult to know what I’m about.

I wish to be out there yet I put up this wall,

I wonder why people even put up with me at all.

I crave adventure but going out is a struggle,

Most days I’d rather be home to read and snuggle.

I want to fit in but always feel out of place,

In my own world I’m sacred and perfectly safe.



Sex is a form of worship. Why take advantage of thee? Your love is sacred and I want it. Let’s practice celibacy.

Sex is a form of worship. Can I control my appetite? I want to wait til marriage. When loving you is right.

Sex is a form of worship. Does this help my self-esteem? Yes darling, remember your worth. The right man will honor thee.



I enjoy wandering in the caves of centuries past. Gazing upon ancient autographs and paintings of unknown souls. I evolve with species from distant lands. Absorbing the imprints of the lost and forgotten.

I like when the winds embrace me.
Mother nature rearranging her territories.
I like watching lightning dances in the sky.
Hiking the longest of roads to the most beautiful destinations.

I’m drawn to the landscapes of the Wild West.
In awe of the New England foliage of early Autumn.
Amazed by the ice cap crystals of frozen Alaskan lands.
Basking in the presence of the majestic mountain kingdoms of the Mid West.

I am an adventurer.

Struggles of an INFP

Nobody’s perfect, not one soul. Every personality is unique and beautiful in its own way, but with the good comes the bad. If I were to go over all of INFP’s personality flaws this post would be longer than the Nile. So here are a couple negative traits that I personally can relate with as an INFP.

Overly Sensitive– I am very prone to taking things way too personally. Yes I know constructive criticism is very helpful in making people perform better but somehow it still hurts. I can also get very discouraged when it comes to challenges no matter how big or small. Conflict is a huge no-no! I try to avoid it at all costs but sometimes it’s unavoidable. It’s draining to try to align my time and energy so everyone can be at peace.

Too Much of an Enigma– I love my privacy….a little too much. When I withdraw from the outside world I get so comfortable that sometimes I can get damn near reclusive. It makes it difficult for others to get to know me. My life isn’t really all that interesting but I feel guilty when I can’t give more of myself to those I care about. In my opinion, there isn’t much to give.

Thanks for reading!